The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: The PSC curriculum, including Army ROTC, provided superb training for military leadership. Entry to active duty as 2nd LT Signal Corps,USAR occurred during the Korean War. Efficiency reports culminated in a recommendation to President, Dwight D.Eisenhower, The same "Ike" that had presided over Penn State's faculty, directed the Army to commission LT. Donald D. Fiser in the United States Army retroactively. A chronology reveals a trend of teaching military leadership and signal skills to ROTC, later to a battalion of OCS I commanded, still later at West Point supporting the telecommunications needs as Chief of Comms.- Electronics Division. This trend was interspersed with assignments to HQ USAREUR, the Pentagon to the Signal Corp's NATO desk as well as detached to JCS, under General Westmoreland, executive officer of the 29th Signal Group in Bangkok, thence Staff and Faculty of the US Military Academy. My army officer career of 24 years ended with voluntary retirement. Foremost is my 47 years of blissful marriage, raising our 5 children, 8 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter. Among my children are 3 masters degrees (one with a CPA) and 1 BA, a telecomm consultant. The photo shows "Old Granddad" Don with my granddaughter, a cum laude graduate of law school. These Ohio State Buckeyes can't attract the beauties with a macho Nittany Lion on the scene. |